A spring of parties

I started this blog and thought I would have plenty of time to write about anything and everything, and then life happened and reminded me that my time and energy is limited. Thus I haven’t written anything in the past few months. But now I’m back. This spring I became 30, and with that came a party. I built a website, designed invite-cards and mailed (yes mailed) them out. Some thought they were wedding invites, others thought it was advertisment. Finally most people got it. We decided to make all food ourselves and designed fun activities for people to do before dinner. In the end it ended up being hell of a party. Could not be more happy!

Just 10 days after that party SecurityFest opened up it’s doors. Swedens second largest conferance, I got recruited to the organizational staff after being a goon last year. It was intense but very fun as always and people seemed to be happy. Getting 450 people to get to lunch and back in an hour is always a challenge but we have such nice atendees that almost anything is possible. Let’s make 2024 even better!

After a few hectic days we decided a day out in nature would be a good way to regain some energy. I very happy we did!

Given my many projects I also needed a new wallet, so I grabed some lether and got my old STL out. Put the leather in my local makerspace laser cutter and cut out the parts. For next time I will increse the holes a bit as they were to small to really use. But with some will its now all together.

Lastly we got a cat. It wasn’t really planned, we have talked about it for years but never really found the timing to be right. Now she showed up, three years and in need of a new home. So we welcomed her home. Say hi to Cleo!